Airedale has pledged support to the national initiative ‘John’s Campaign’ – supporting carers of people with dementia to continue caring for their loved one whilst in hospital. The campaign was set up by a carer, Nicci Gerrard, who’s father John had dementia (pictured above). Nicci suggests has she been allowed to stay with her father at the times that mattered (regardless of hospital visiting hours) his health would not have deteriorated.
We value carers as expert partners in care and are committed to working with carers to provide the best care possible for your loved one. As a carer you could access flexible visiting to help your loved one at mealtimes or with tasks as part of their daily routine. Coming in to hospital can be unsettling for many people with dementia and can have an impact on their overall wellbeing- by having their carer or close family member nearby, this can greatly improve their experience.
Our new Acute Assessment Unit ( due to open in Autumn 2018) will have 2 larger individual patient bedrooms with facilities for a carer to stay overnight. Dementia Friends Keighley have supported the hospital to design this unit with the needs of patients with dementia and their carers in mind.